No Premine/Instamine/Ninja
154 seconds
50 HODL subsidy per block
1GB AES Pattern Search POW
Every 4 years
Bitcoin 0.11.2
191,586,500 HODL By March 2020, followed by 5.5% inflation rate, declining to 3% over 16 years
5% APR
Max of 9.9% APR for 1 Year Term
1GB AES Pattern Search POW. Pattern Search involves filling up RAM with pseudo-random data, and then conducting a search for the start location of an AES encrypted data pattern in that data. Pattern Search is an evolution of the ProtoShares Momentum PoW, first used in MemoryCoin and later modified for use in CryptoNight(Monero,Bytecoin), Ethash(Ethereum). CPU/GPU friendly.
is paid on regular balances (outputs), on every block, for a period of up to 30 days (561x30 blocks). The rate is approximately 5% APR or (1/2^22)%, compounded every block. Interest is paid on casual balances for up to 30 days.
If you lock an amount of HODL as a term deposit, you get a bonus on the interest. The longer the deposit, the bigger the bonus.
1 year term (9.9% APR)
6 month term (9.1% APR)
3 month term (7.75% APR)
1 month term
(6.1% APR)
Active balance (5% APR)
Current Deposit Bonus Rate: | |
Standard Rate: | |
Total APR Before Multiplier: | |
Daily Rate: |
Principal (Hodlcoins): | |
Days: | |
Interest From Standard Rate: | |
Deposit Bonus Before Multiplier: | |
Current Total Bonus: | |
Multiplier: | |
Total Interest At Maturation: | |
Principal plus Interest: |
A cryptocurrency exchange is a place to buy and sell HODL for Bitcoin(BTC) or other cryptocurrencies. It is a real live marketplace where the exchange rate changes with the supply and demand of HODL and the interests of traders.
A mining pool is a service that allows multiple people to combine their computational power
in order to generate one block (thus creating more HODL) and share the reward.